Benefits of ISO


ISO was founded with the idea of answering a fundamental question: “what’s the best way of doing this?”

It started with the obvious things like weights and measures, and over the last 50 years has developed into a family of standards that cover everything from the shoes we stand in, to the Wi-Fi networks that connect us invisibly to each other.

Addressing all these and more, International Standards mean that consumers can have confidence that their products are safe, reliable and of good quality. ISO’s standards on road safety, toy safety and secure medical packaging are just a few of those that help make the world a safer place.

Regulators and governments count on ISO standards to help develop better regulation, knowing they have a sound basis thanks to the involvement of globally-established experts.

To find out more about how ISO’s 22654 standards touch almost all aspects of daily life, and work for businesses large and small, you can see standards in action. With International Standards on air, water and soil quality, on emissions of gases and radiation, and environmental aspects of products, they protect the health of the planet and people, beyond bringing economic benefits.

The potential benefits to an organization of implementing a quality management system based on this International Standard are:

  1. the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements;
  2. facilitating opportunities to enhance customer satisfaction;
  3. addressing risks and opportunities associated with its context and objectives;
  4. the ability to demonstrate conformity to specified quality management system requirements.
