What is ISO?


ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 162 national standards bodies.

Through its members, it brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.

The ISO story began in 1946 when delegates from 25 countries met at the Institute of Civil Engineers in London and decided to create a new international organization ‘to facilitate the international coordination and unification of industrial standards’. On 23 February 1947 the new organization, ISO, officially began operations.

Since then, ISO have published over 22654 International Standards covering almost all aspects of technology and manufacturing.

Today ISO have members from 162 countries and 785 technical committees and subcommittees to take care of standards development. More than 135 people work full time for ISO’s Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland.

You’ll find ISO Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland. Learn more about ISO structure and how they are governed.

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