Staff survey

Sinh viên ngành qu£n trË kinh doanh Tr°Ýng H Kinh t¿ TP.HCM trong mÙt buÕi hÍc ¢nh: Nh° Hùng
Supplier Centre for Testing & Quality Assurance
Customer Higher education institutions
  • Provide quantitative data to improve staff policy, working  environment as well as teaching quality.
  • Cost and time efficient
Service description Service consists of one or all below activities:

  • Questionnaire design
  • Conducting survey
  • Data process
  • Reporting
Target audience Higher education institution staff
Survey conduction
  • Create users and password
  • FTU Surveyonline server sends invitation to target audience
  • Cybersecurity
Data process Excel, SPSS, or software of customer demand
Language Vietnamese
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