On July 21, 2022, Foreign Trade University conducted the certificate awarding ceremony for two training programs that were accredited in April 2022 according to AUN QA Standards, including: Bachelor in Accounting (Accounting – Auditing) ACCA-Oriented High Quality Program and Master of Economic Law.


From AUN: Mr. Korn Ratanagosoom – First officer and Chief strategy officer, Ms. Ing-orn Jeerararuensak – Chief of AUN QA and Senior Programme Officer;
From FTU: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan – President, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thi Thu Thuy – Chairwoman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phạm Thu Hương – Vice President, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dao Ngoc Tien – Vice President, Dr. Nguyen Phuc Hien – Director of Center for Testing and Quality Assurance, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Thi Kim Anh – Dean of Faculty of Accounting – Auditing; Dr. Ha Cong Anh Bao – Acting Dean of Faculty of Law, Heads of Departments/ Falcuties, Lecturers, Officers in charge of two programs;
At the ceremony, Assoc. Prof, Dr. Bui Anh Tuan affirmed that the University has identified quality assurance as one of the most important priorities. Recently, the University has conducted quality accreditation for 17 training programs according to the standards of MOET and AUN-QA. Mr. Tuan would like to thank AUN assessors, 2 faculties, officers, learners, employers and stakeholders for their cooperation to complete the accreditation. The President committed that the University would improve the training programs according to the recommendations of the assessors to meet higher regional and international standards.

On behalf of AUN, Mr. Korn Ratanagosoom congratulated 2 Faculties for the qualified programs. He also hoped that the two faculties would follow the recommendations to improve the two programs’ quality. He affirmed that AUN would continue to cooperate with the University in accrediting other programs in the future.

Assoc. Prof, Dr. Le Thi Thu Thuy and Mr. Korn Ratanagosoom awarded the accreditation certificates to Faculty of Accounting – Auditing and Faculty of Law.

On behalf of 2 Faculties, Dr. Ha Cong Anh Bao expressed his honor and pride when 2 training programs of the University continued to be accredited by AUN. He affirmed that this was a very important milestone of 2 programs to meet the regional standards. He also thanked AUN assessors, the Board of Management, Officers, learners and other stakeholders for coordinating and supporting 2 faculties to successfully complete the accreditation. He also shared that 2 faculties highly appreciated the recommendations of the assessors and committed to develop a plan to follow those recommendations.

Previously, the Board of Management had conducted a meeting with the team of AUN experts. At the meeting, the two parties discussed a number of issues related to the development process of quality assurance at higher education institutions in Vietnam as well as in the region and over the world.