Student employability survey

Supplier Centre for Testing & Quality Assurance - Foreign Trade University Customer Higher education institutions Benefits Evaluate student employability, recommend appropriate adjustment to improve the quality of  programs...

Student survey

Supplier Centre for Testing & Quality Assurance Customer Foreign Trade University staff Benefits Evaluate teaching and education service quality, recommend appropriate adjustment to improve the quality of  FTU...

Staff survey

Supplier Centre for Testing & Quality Assurance Customer Higher education institutions Benefits Provide quantitative data to improve staff policy, working  environment as well as teaching quality. Cost and...

Researcher survey

Supplier Centre for Testing & Quality Assurance Customer Researchers Doctoral candidates Research institutes, enterprises and other organisations Benefits Cost and time efficient Easily reach target audience via...

Employer survey

Supplier Centre for Testing & Quality Assurance - Foreign Trade University (FTU) Content Evaluate the level of satisfaction of employers with graduates from FTU Benefits Cost and time...

Online survey system

The online survey system that has been using by Foreign Trade University was written in PHP. It is more applicable and helps improve survey...