“Enhancement of Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) system in Vietnamese Higher Education Institutions” Workshop – ASEAN-QA SQUARED Programme in ASEAN-QA project Opening ceremony


December 3rd 2018 morning, FTU has organized the Opening ceremony of Workshop “Enhancement of Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) system in Vietnamese Higher Education Institutions” (IQAS-HEIs), ASEAN-QA SQUARED Programme in ASEAN-QA project.

IQAS-HEIs (TrainIQAVN) is a training course of FTU, a part of ASEAN-QA SQUARED Progamme, which has been chosen to implement in Vietnam by ASEAN-QA Project. The programme took place from December 3rd to December 6th, 2018, with the aim to help Vietnamese Higher Education Institutions (1) build the internal quality assurance system that meets the quality assessment standard requirements, (2) improve the abilities of staff are in charge of internal quality assurance, and (3) promote the communication, connection between units in charge of internal quality assurance.

The ceremony welcomes the participation of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan – President of FTU, Mr. Frank Niedermeier – Head of ASEAN-QA Project, Postdam University, Federal Republic of Germany, Prof. Dr. Duu-Sheng Ong – Former Vice President (Academic), Malaysia Multimedia University, Dr. Vo Sy Manh – Director of Center for Testing and Quality assurance, Head of Vietnam IQAS-HEIs (TrainIQAVN) Project and 23 participants, who are manager and staff in charge of quality from higher education institutions around the country. The ceremony also welcomes the participation of 4 alumna of TrainIQA 2016-2018, ASEAN-QA Project: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang Dao Bao Tram – Vice head of Department of Education quality assurance – University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City, Dr. Tran Thuy Anh – Head of Center of Education quality assurance – University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Vietnam University, Dr. Nu Nu Lwin, Head of Department of Management Studies, Yangon University of Economics and Dr. Thanongsack Duangdala – Head of Center of Testing and Quality Assurance – Department of Research Management – National University of Laos.

Below are some pictures of the ceremony:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan gives the welcome speech

Mr. Frank Niedermeier – Head of ASEAN-QA Project

Dr. Vo Sy Manh – Director of Center for Testing and Quality assurance introduces the training course and the project in Workshop “Vietnam IQAS-HEIs” (TrainIQAVN)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan gives souvenirs to Mr. Frank Niedermeier

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Anh Tuan gives souvenirs to Prof. Dr. Duu-Sheng Ong – Former Vice President (Academic), Malaysia Multimedia University

Participants in the Workshop

Former participants take pictures with experts

Project ASEAN-QA is a part of DIES Progamme (The Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies), Federal Republic of Germany, with the aims to consolidate the structure of higher education management in developing countries. DIES is jointly developed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Rector’s Conference (HRK) and its finance is supported by Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).